The NFL paid Roger Goodell 34.1M to be commissioner in 2014

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For whatever reason a lot of people seem to really dislike Roger Goodell. So when the NFL commi sioner's salary is revealed, there's an impre sive amount of annual outrage over how much Goodell is pulling in.How much did he make in 2014? ! Addison Russell Jersey $34.1 million according to Darren Rovell of ESPN.BREAKING: Roger Goodell's compensation in 2014 was $34.1 million, according to a tax filing the league filed today. Darren Rovell (@darrenrovell) That's a lot of money. But it's relatively in line Kyle Schwarber Jersey with what Goodell generally makes. Goodell's salary has been a thing for a while. , which was le s than .People get all worked up about how much money Goodell makes but here's the bottom line: Ron Santo Jersey he runs a gigantic corporation that prints money and he's largely responsible for some of the printing. Is he overpaid? Sure. Anyone who makes more than $30 million is Greg Maddux Jersey probably overpaid. But relative to what the NFL brings in and the happine s of its owners, Goodell is probably making a pretty reasonable sum of money.
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